
Celebrated 姐's birthday which was on 12 Jan! We had a yummy steamboat buffet where surprisingly I didn't eat much! We even gave away our prawns & crabs to this big group of guys at the next table. Then we went to the same chill out bar we went to during Christmas coz she liked it so much there...

Tried something new~~~ Think Greg had this the last time we went drinking~ it wasn't too bad...

As usual 姐 had her fruit beer. This time it's raspberry. I find it much much nicer then the cherry she had the last time!

Me... posing for her... the wind was super strong that day... hence the messy hair...

Us... both of us having bad hair day... plus the strong wind... but I love how the colors turn out!

Nice nice nice? Just took this shot for fun...

Me again... trying out different poses for 姐

She got me these from her HK trip. I named the giraffe Moonski~ & yeah... I've got a new omamori! I just love omamori! だいすき!!!

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