Marvelous Cream

Marvelous Cream is not exactly new in Singapore.

And their stuff is not exactly cheap. A Mont Blanc and a Banana Cream Brulee will cost you almost $20.

I was rather excited to try them out since the display really look very good. Turns out, the Mont Blanc only has a tiny quarter chestnut on top inside of the whole chestnut displayed at their counter. Taste wise, it wasn't fantastic. It is also a bit too creamy for my liking.

The Banana Cream Brulee is another disappointment. Normal cream brulee has a top coating of caramelized sugar. Here, the coating was rather bitter. There is not much hint of banana either. In fact, I didn't really enjoy this.

Having said all these, I might still go back to try their ice cream and many other cakes, just to give them another chance. Though I think price is one major deterring factor, especially when the cakes weren't so impressive.

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