Christmas presents

It's time to open our Christmas presents. After watching Twilight, I thought I might get the book for myself and check out what the fuss was all about. I haven't bought a book in ages.

Presents for myself. Somehow it made me really happy!! (^@^)

Present for Baby! Her fav toy toy in three different flavours~~~! ♥





I got a new haircut just in time for Christmas~~~


Mel is hosting a chalet. And Ada is back just in time! I've miss you babe!

Haven't seen her for ages since she left for Hong Kong. 她的气色也好多了!

Since it's near Christmas, we had the usual gift exchange. I was very excited because Shihui got me such a gigantic present!

Thank you all for your lovely presents~! Muacks!

I love my gfs~~~


Thank you George for lugging this all the way from Zurich back for me~!

Mint Museum




In the end, I decided to just enjoy myself and took lots of pictures at the Mint Museum. Raaaawwwwrrrrrr!!



After the retreat, we went to explore the area. It was a good thing the retreat was at Sentosa. I haven't been there for ages!

We were looking for some ice cream place after lunch and it wasn't easy. Actually, other than going for suntan, I'm not sure what else Sentosa is good for. Certainly, not good food. Booze, maybe.

Then we spotted some mischievous monkeys ransacking a rubbish bin!!



Imagine how close I managed to get just to take this shot! They are not afraid of humans!

Fish Spa

My first time to a fish spa, I dunno what to expect. It seemed fun and horrifying at the same time!

Somehow those tiny fishes seemed to like my feet a lot and they were all swarming up to me, fighting for a place to nibble my feet! I'm not sure if I'll ever go back again. x_x

I love you, Baby!

Engrossed in licking herself...





我和童星表niece一起。她可爱吗? ^-^