Ponyo ponyo ponyo sakana no ko...

Movie of the moment: Ponyo


I've been wanting to watch Ponyo for the longest of time but haven't got the chance to. Ever since I went to Japan and visited the Ghibli Museum, I'm even more determined to check out Ponyo.

I wasn't disappointed! The plot might have been very simple and straightforward, but the execution itself was beautifully done. I believed Hayao Miyazaki has outdone himself with Ponyo! There's nothing not to like about Ponyo!

While I'm on the topic of Ponyo, did I mention that I was already singing the Ponyo song before I get to watch it? Here's the catchy theme song of Ponyo!

Still on the topic of Ponyo, here's some Ponyo goodies I got from Japan when I visited the Ghibli Museum~~~ ♥♥♥

A Ponyo collar pin and a snow globe with little bits of shimmery glitters! とてもかわいいよ!!!

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