Angels & Demons

Movie of the moment: Angels & Demons


I did not watch the Da Vinci Code. Neither did I read any of Dan Brown's books. I dislike things that are too overhyped.

Having said that, I went to watch this film with an open mind. I was impressed. Not so much by all the hype or Tom Hank's acting, but rather by the thought put through into writing the book, or the script. A lot of things have to be thought through carefully, a lot of backwards engineering, a lot of effort and a lot of research. For that, I applaud Dan Brown. And then, part of the reason I watched this was for Ewan McGregor of course!
All those other things about this being sacrilege, well, I would say, just take it with a pinch of salt. I have friends (okay, just one friend, who's really ignorant curious) who've asked me whether the Catholic faith is like that, after reading the Da Vinci Code (plus all the hype). I can only laugh and say no.

It's only fiction.

So, if you like mind boggling stuff, do check this out. Definitely not for someone expecting non-fiction. Ha!

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