

Song of the moment: Lucky by Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat

C'est véritablement utile puisque c'est joli

"It is truly useful since it is beautiful." Le Petit Prince

It's time

I'm thinking of re-doing my blog all over again... I've got so many pics to update... So many things I wanna write about...

All I need is a little bit more time :)

Passing afternoon...

Isn't it funny that nowadays, about the only time when I really get to blog is when I'm sick at home?

I miss writing so much, I think I've kinda forgotten how to write. Nowadays, even my thoughts seemed to be little disjointed fragment of sentences. Now, all I'm accustomed to writing are reports and reports and more reports. For work, and for school. I remember I used to dislike news writing (speaking of which, that will be my module come May), as it requires me to be succinct (something which I've never learn...), objective (hey, I'm a heart over brains girl ok!), and really boring (so not me!). Ironically (@liqi & mervyn: you've asked what does ironic means, well here's a darn good example finally!), that's where I am now. I write succinctly, objectively and in my own words, boringly.

It seems nothing excites me enough to want to write anymore. I've lost my writing style in this long progress as well. I'm still reading, if not more, as much as before. Also, it seems I've also become very critical of BAD written English. Some published authors make me cringed at their bad language and sentence formation, or even bad adjectives used.

The other day I met Kenny for lunch. He asked what had happened to me, and why or how did I become so bitter. Honestly, I was surprised. I never thought of myself as a bitter person. Sceptical about some things yes, but not truly bitter. But to Kenny, his impression of me was always the happy go lucky girl who seemed to have no worries. Our last proper interaction was during JC, not counting the brief moment where we spoke for awhile during his wedding, the time during Ms G's funeral, and then Mel's wedding. Somehow, he just couldn't understand how I've changed so much. The outer shell is much the same, albeit, maybe a little fatter, but it seems my inner self has been decaying for some time.

There are alot of things I wished to achieve in life, which I have yet to embark on. My previous boss advised me that I should read more and know more and learn more, so that I'll know what I want to do with my future. He thought I'm floundering, without any plans of thinking thoughtfully what is it that I really want to do with my life. I just smiled. It was a good piece of advice. I really do wish to read more (& definitely more non-fic, except I just can't get over the initial few paras).

There are alot of things which require money to achieve. So it's a chicken and egg thing. You'll need money to improve yourself. But, to get the money, you'll need to improve so that you'll get more income. So there, we've come one full circle.

Just the other day, I was telling YW "misery loves company". I've been barricading myself from the negativity that's been floating around me. I've been "de-toxing" mentally as well. Despite everything, it is not surprising that some of the negative ions might have already diffused through my wall. Happiness is what you make of it. In fact, even if you're in a rut, all you'll need is just a shift in paradigm, and then you'll be able to see the light.

Something that I'm doing must be not right, since no matter how I twist and turn, I see no light. It may be a sign that instead of a paradigm shift, I might have to do something more drastic, like maybe stepping out of my comfort zone. Maybe.

Baby's getting older and older day by day. I just wish I have the luxury of taking a sabbatical and stay at home all day with Baby. She's grown a lump just below her ear and I'm worried sick. It seems she's can't hear me anymore. Who else can I talk to then?

H = Ecchi

Anime of the Moment: B Gata H Kei

What is so different about this anime is that you have a rather proactive girl whose brain is all about sex. Her target is to have 100 "fuck buddies" by dunno when.

And her first choice of "fuck buddy" is a loserish type of guy which Yamada was quite certain is a "cherry-kun" (meaning virgin).

I don't even want to begin, but this is a rather meaningless kind of anime. Minus all the bits where Yamada talks big about how she'll conquer Kosuda, and the bits where when she actually gets down to it and freaks out, there's nothing left in the anime.

Another thing is that Yamada is supposedly a rather pretty and cute girl in the anime. Look at the picture and tell me in what way is does that brat look appealing?

Seriously? Not worth the trouble!

Girl Game

Anime of the moment: Akane-Iro ni Somaru Saka


I was listening to the OST when I realised I have yet to do a review on this anime despite me having referred to it once here.

This is one of those typical harem type of anime where alot of girls all unwittingly fall in love with a seemingly weak and worthless guy. Expect a bit of romance, a bit of tsundere character, a bit of sister complex, a bit of panty flash and you'll get Akane-Iro Somaru Saka.

My favourite episode has got to be epi 4! It's the party on board the cruise ship. And then there's also the episode on onsen. In almost every typical kind of harem anime, you will always get a beach epi or an onsen epi! There's also the typical epi on the school festival.

Everything screams typical and non-impressionable. So you asked why did I finish watching the anime? Because once I start, I like to finish it all the way to the end. Unless it's utterly boring, or the drawing is horrible, or just plain nonsensical (like Highschool of the Dead, which I finally gave up after giving it another chance until epi 3!) anime, usually I'll finish the whole anime.

The Witches

Book of the moment: The Witches by Roald Dahl


Lately I was in the mood for Roald Dahl with nice quirky illustrations by Quentin Blake. Don't ask me why, I have no idea... just felt like reading good old Roald Dahl.

If memory serves me right, I've already read The Witches before. I also vaguely remember there was a movie on it. You have to understand that these happen many many years ago.

My colleagues registered surprise when they saw me reading Roald Dahl and asked how old am I! But I think Roald Dahl books are classic.

I was quite enchanted with the way the witches were presented in the story. And maybe because it was supposedly a children's book (here I contradict myself), I was kind of expecting a happy-ever-after kind of ending. Though I read the book before, I seriously don't remember how it ended. To me, the ending was somewhat of a "cliffhanger" of sorts. I kept expecting something to happen to change everything back to normal, but nothing of that sort happened.

Despite everything, The Witches is a truly captivating book!