The Witches

Book of the moment: The Witches by Roald Dahl


Lately I was in the mood for Roald Dahl with nice quirky illustrations by Quentin Blake. Don't ask me why, I have no idea... just felt like reading good old Roald Dahl.

If memory serves me right, I've already read The Witches before. I also vaguely remember there was a movie on it. You have to understand that these happen many many years ago.

My colleagues registered surprise when they saw me reading Roald Dahl and asked how old am I! But I think Roald Dahl books are classic.

I was quite enchanted with the way the witches were presented in the story. And maybe because it was supposedly a children's book (here I contradict myself), I was kind of expecting a happy-ever-after kind of ending. Though I read the book before, I seriously don't remember how it ended. To me, the ending was somewhat of a "cliffhanger" of sorts. I kept expecting something to happen to change everything back to normal, but nothing of that sort happened.

Despite everything, The Witches is a truly captivating book!

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