1st Stop: Aerogreen!

Singapore may be small, but there are still places to check out and have fun at!

Our first stop was Aerogreen and a giant scarecrow greeted us!

Found this hanging gourd-shaped thingy rather interesting..

We were rather lucky as it rained earlier in the morning, so the weather was quite perfect.

Can you spot the little critter?

Don't ask... I have no idea what that amazingly long plant is...

And then there's this humongous melon-like thingy which I'm suspecting is winter melon or the likes.

Check out the cherry tomatoes! Don't they look so fresh and delicious?

I've got a thing for close-up flower shots...

I think they really brighten up a picture!

Say hello to the farm's pet rabbit who gets to eat fresh veggies everyday!

Clear blue skies...

And introducing their famous butterhead...

...used to make the butterhead juice. It's rather an acquired taste, but because Mummy always make veggie juices and fruit juices for me, I'm quite accustomed to it and found it rather nice!

Personally I had quite a lot of fun at Aerogreen.

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