Settling in...

Baby and I are trying to settle in. This is Day 2 and I'm dog-tired. No pun intended. The sheer mental stress is much much worse than the physical strain of unpacking. If I managed to survive Day 3, it would probably be a miracle. Please pray for Baby. (I asked John how does someone put a dog to sleep and then my heart couldn't take it when he told me. I spent quite a few nights crying, even with my tranquilisers...)

Did I mention I really hate the landlord? Well I just hope the handover isn't gonna be an ugly scene. It'll be tonight. Pray for me please? I know he's been intentionally making things difficult for me.

Much a mixture of feelings and emotions... if not for my medication, I'm not sure if I can still handle all these stress. Really... Please pray for me too then...



My very first time prawning! Since I kept hearing Charis mentioning it on her blog, I've been wanting to try it for a long time.

Denzel Washington + John Travolta = ?

Movie of moment: The Taking of Pelham 123


Denzel Washington is one of my fav guys in Hollywood. I can't say the same for John Travolta, but he's a great actor too. And I love it when he plays the villian. He's really good at being villianous!

This film is a definite must-watch even if you're just watching it for the sake of catching Denzel Washington and John Travolta's on-screen chemistry. Well, other than that, i find the plot really smart and interesting and it keeps you on the edge of your chair throughout the whole 106mins.

It's not exactly action packed, but enough to give you the adrenaline rush. And just when you thought it's the end and you can finally heaved a sigh of relief, something happened again and off you go!

Seriously, don't miss this!

Should I?

Things are getting to a crux.

Should I put Baby outta her misery and put her to sleep eternally? Can I do that? Is there no other way?

If I don't... what will happen to Baby and me?

Honestly, if I really do put Baby to sleep, I wanna go with her. It's only fair to her. I know I have no right to decide this kinda stuff for her, but alot of times I think she's suffering badly and I'm not doing enough for her. It pains my heart.

But does that mean that by putting her to sleep means I only wanna put my own mind at peace? Can I be so selfish? Especially when she love me whole heartedly?

What should I do? Time is running out...