Happy Halloween

It's Halloween, and also our 3rd anniversary.

I didn't get to dress up! :(

Looking at how small the ferris wheel is, I thought I would give it a try. Usually when I'm up in the ferris wheel, I'll be frozen on the spot too scared to move or even take in the scenery.

In Japan, ferris wheel is one of the stereotypical popular place for Japanese to be alone with the someone they like and confess to them. Since it was our anniversary, I thought it might be romantic to go up together with Mrこいびと. Plus it's the only one with the shortest queue.

My mistake. I was frozen as usual. Despite this being a really tiny ferris wheel~

But that night I also had my 1st try at the go-kart. It was fun!

Mrこいびと、あいしてる~~~ ♥ Thank you for the wonderful time!

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