H = Ecchi

Anime of the Moment: B Gata H Kei

What is so different about this anime is that you have a rather proactive girl whose brain is all about sex. Her target is to have 100 "fuck buddies" by dunno when.

And her first choice of "fuck buddy" is a loserish type of guy which Yamada was quite certain is a "cherry-kun" (meaning virgin).

I don't even want to begin, but this is a rather meaningless kind of anime. Minus all the bits where Yamada talks big about how she'll conquer Kosuda, and the bits where when she actually gets down to it and freaks out, there's nothing left in the anime.

Another thing is that Yamada is supposedly a rather pretty and cute girl in the anime. Look at the picture and tell me in what way is does that brat look appealing?

Seriously? Not worth the trouble!

Girl Game

Anime of the moment: Akane-Iro ni Somaru Saka


I was listening to the OST when I realised I have yet to do a review on this anime despite me having referred to it once here.

This is one of those typical harem type of anime where alot of girls all unwittingly fall in love with a seemingly weak and worthless guy. Expect a bit of romance, a bit of tsundere character, a bit of sister complex, a bit of panty flash and you'll get Akane-Iro Somaru Saka.

My favourite episode has got to be epi 4! It's the party on board the cruise ship. And then there's also the episode on onsen. In almost every typical kind of harem anime, you will always get a beach epi or an onsen epi! There's also the typical epi on the school festival.

Everything screams typical and non-impressionable. So you asked why did I finish watching the anime? Because once I start, I like to finish it all the way to the end. Unless it's utterly boring, or the drawing is horrible, or just plain nonsensical (like Highschool of the Dead, which I finally gave up after giving it another chance until epi 3!) anime, usually I'll finish the whole anime.

The Witches

Book of the moment: The Witches by Roald Dahl


Lately I was in the mood for Roald Dahl with nice quirky illustrations by Quentin Blake. Don't ask me why, I have no idea... just felt like reading good old Roald Dahl.

If memory serves me right, I've already read The Witches before. I also vaguely remember there was a movie on it. You have to understand that these happen many many years ago.

My colleagues registered surprise when they saw me reading Roald Dahl and asked how old am I! But I think Roald Dahl books are classic.

I was quite enchanted with the way the witches were presented in the story. And maybe because it was supposedly a children's book (here I contradict myself), I was kind of expecting a happy-ever-after kind of ending. Though I read the book before, I seriously don't remember how it ended. To me, the ending was somewhat of a "cliffhanger" of sorts. I kept expecting something to happen to change everything back to normal, but nothing of that sort happened.

Despite everything, The Witches is a truly captivating book!

Everything with Fries

Finally had the time to go check out Everything with Fries.

We had lemonade...

and vanilla milkshake! The milkshake is well worth the calories!

Lamb burger with caesar salad and shoestring fries with salt and vinegar

Char grilled karubi with coleslaw and fries with curry

Both sets were nice... but not fantastic, especially after all the raves I was expecting something more impressive!

And then for the desserts... think this is the pear tart... which was really nice!!!

And the nutella tart which everyone was crazy over... But I find it a tad too sweet for my liking. The portion is quite big, and would be more suitable for sharing between two people rather than tackling it alone.

If it's not too much effort to go down to Everything with Fries (one at Joo Chiat, another at Holland V), I may just drop by again. But seriously? It's really overrated.

Last Stop - Hay Dairies

Did I ever mention that I love goats? Oh oh... I also love bears and horses and cows...

Because visitors weren't allowed to walk too close to the goats, I have rather limited pictures...

But at the end of the day, I found the goats to be so cute that I was half resolved not to eat meat anymore! Boooo!

Before you leave, don't forget to buy some nice goat milk. They even pack it nicely in boxes for you so that it can last all the way home!

Next Stop?

Guess where's the next stop after Bollywood Veggies?

The Veggies at Bollywood

They have very interesting signs through the playground!

OOOoooo... Guess what I found! It looked kinda cute like that doesn't it?

A tiny starfruit...

And just to show how tiny it is...

Some rather interesting looking leaves with brown undersides!

O yes, I love dragonfruit!

Love the colour of this pretty flower!

This is supposed to be the "Four O'Clock Flowers"...

Love the colours!!

Look what I found!

Ah even their toadstools look so nice~~~

Some unripe rambutans...

I have been chasing this butterfly for some time just to take a shot like this! So pretty~~~

Cat's whiskers

After walking for the whole morning, my poor feet are complaining!

What we had at Poison Ivy...

Next stop, Bollywood Veggies.

Walked straight in and on your right you'll see their little cosy bistro, Poison Ivy.

This sign made me slightly guilty... >-<

Iced lemongrass tea

Hot fig tea

Some fish dish...

Chicken curry...

And because I was feeling rather health conscious that day, I thought I'll give the brown rice a go!

After the sumptuous lunch, we were ready to conquer the Bollywood Veggies playground!

1st Stop: Aerogreen!

Singapore may be small, but there are still places to check out and have fun at!

Our first stop was Aerogreen and a giant scarecrow greeted us!

Found this hanging gourd-shaped thingy rather interesting..

We were rather lucky as it rained earlier in the morning, so the weather was quite perfect.

Can you spot the little critter?

Don't ask... I have no idea what that amazingly long plant is...

And then there's this humongous melon-like thingy which I'm suspecting is winter melon or the likes.

Check out the cherry tomatoes! Don't they look so fresh and delicious?

I've got a thing for close-up flower shots...

I think they really brighten up a picture!

Say hello to the farm's pet rabbit who gets to eat fresh veggies everyday!

Clear blue skies...

And introducing their famous butterhead...

...used to make the butterhead juice. It's rather an acquired taste, but because Mummy always make veggie juices and fruit juices for me, I'm quite accustomed to it and found it rather nice!

Personally I had quite a lot of fun at Aerogreen.