Boys Over Flowers

Drama of the moment: Boys Over Flowers

Ji Hoo sunbaeeeeee~~~ I soooooo in love with his gentle nature, sweet smile... and his faithfulness.

I hadn't intended to watch this because initially I thought the girl lead not attractive. Plus I didn't wanna go through another series of this in another language. Elissa was raving about it though. Then I finished all my anime series and was left with nothing to watch... so I decided to give this a try.

It was something I haven't regretted. Though the main storyline and character traits follow the original quite closely, the series adapt quite alot of stuff to fit in their very own Korean culture, which I think is very nice! Plus all four F4 guys got enough coverage in here, and not just the curly hair Jun Pyo and the gentle Ji Hoo.

Another plus, this is the best F4 combi I've seen. Taiwan, Japan and Korea... the Korean F4 won hands down! How can all four guys be so utterly attractive! OMG!

Ee Jung sunbae has that wonderful smirk-smile which I can't help falling for! Woo Bin sunbae got that quiet, silly aura about him that's just so attractive, especially when he fights... so cute!!! Of course, there's Jun Pyo the lead guy... probably the only lead guy who can carry off that curly hair look and not look stupid.

I'm not forgetting the girls either. Jan Di, Gae Eul, Jae Kyung... I like them all!!!

Plus, Jan Di's parents are my fav Korean "dad" and "mum"!

Well developed plot and well developed characters. Very well done! Now I'm craving for some Korean food~~~

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