Brunch @ Arbite

I was slightly obsessed with finding out how an Eggs Benedict tasted... since I was cooking it in Cafe World. That day we had the chance to go check out Arbite. It's located at Serangoon Gardens, just upstairs Guardian (which is beside Sushi Tei). For those who are familiar with Serangoon Gardens, Arbite now sits at where Country Mana used to be.

what's a chill out without some drinks

Thick creamy mushroom soup with three kinds of mushroom. It was fantastic! Usually I don't like those cream soup where they put garlic in them. I have nothing against garlic, I just felt that garlic and cream don't really go well together. And part of the reason I like this is coz it wasn't overly garlicky!

Eggs Benedict! I finally got to try it... and honestly, I'm not a fan. In the 1st place, I'm not really an eggs person... so maybe it didn't really appeal to be. Eggs Benedict is just a fancy name for poached eggs on muffins. Though I have to admit the chef did the eggs just right. Once you prick the thin membrane, bright yellow yolk oozes out!

Felt like having smoked salmon to go with my Eggs Benedict, so we ordered smoked salmon as a "top up" for the Eggs Benedict. Who knows, they served it separately like this.

And because there was some kind of "October Fest" promo going on, there was this sausage platter. Five different kinds of sausages, I believed. It wasn't that bad. In fact it was quite a huge plate we couldn't finish everything we ordered.

But there's always the spare place for dessert. We tried the nutella thingy. Can't remember what's it's called anymore. Thick nutella on top of digestive biscuit crumbs with some oreo crumbs for dips. Nothing to rave about.

It's just a nice chill out place for some fancy food. As it gets later nearer to dinner time, the place start filling up. So if you wanna go check out the place, be prepared to queue for dinner. Or better yet, call them up and ask if you can make reservation. Their service is great.

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