Baumkuchen, Baumkuchen, Baumkuchen~~~

Mr こいびと came to visit poor one-eyed me with something I've been wanting to try for ages! Presenting the Baumkuchen!

The Baumkuchen is very popular in Japan despite it being a cake of German origins. It is also one of the many popular gifts which the Japanese will bring along when they go house visiting. Bringing exquisite gifts, usually sweets (in Japan, cakes and such are usually called "sweets"), along for a house visit is part of the Japanese culture.

This also explains why most shopping malls in Japan housed a whole level dedicated to sweets. This is an entire separate level from the food hall. On this level, you'll be able to find all kinds of pretty looking sweets with even more beautiful wrappers. Of course, they are not cheap either.

One of the shops we saw at Tobu Deparment Store (東武百貨店)'s "sweets" level was selling pieces sliced off from this gigantic roll of Baumkuchen. The crowd at the shop caught our attention and we decided to pop in to have a look. At that time I have no idea that was the Baumkuchen, nor was I aware that it is such a popular rage in Japan.

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