Strolling along the beach~

I've always enjoyed my long walks with Mrこいびと. Though everytime, I'll end up all sweaty and thirsty, it was always very fun. This time, it's to Changi Broadwalk. It was a great day!


Actually I found this rather funny. I wonder if it was intentional, or just an act of vandalism.

How cute!!!

Spot anything? I had to stretch and zoom a bit to get the shot.

Near the end of the walk, we saw this. Well, dear Gerald, it's been more than a year, and I hope you've managed to move on in your life. Sometimes, things happen for a reason.

Gosh, what a melancholic way to end the walk. But I've enjoyed myself thoroughly. I love spending time with Mrこいびとlike that. ♥v♥

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